Wednesday, March 31, 2010

eyes closed try faint whispers (March 31, 2010)

eyes closed
try faint whispers
outspread wings;
all the way.
grow forever more unknown,
against a dreaming,
made of lace
with great lifting
a slight darkness
time curled around
toward the waiting
until morning.
then silence--
going home.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

all the shadowed descendants (March 30, 2010)

all the shadowed descendants.
appearing silently in their moment
stretched out unceasing
flowing through the jaded night,
My fears in slow smooth lunges.
Without comprehension
I am a small pebble on the bare floor.
against the blue.

Monday, March 29, 2010

that sudden sense (March 29, 2010)

that sudden sense
nighttime in the gardens
branches overhead,
the white walls against
blossoms drifted
a lost loveliness
the shade of violets,
time encircling close
against the candlelight.
I bear a name without a name,
the last to gaze
the freedom to wonder

Sunday, March 28, 2010

The narrow path is glistening (March 28, 2010)

the narrow path is glistening
inside the twitch of coiled blue,
I remember now to take a stone
greet the lost, the disappeared
everything darker ever dreamed
the sound of Nothing
falling into place

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Opening a parcel (March 27, 2010)

opening a parcel
Perhaps comes
out some milk,
contents settling
tossed a coin
some paradoxically
meandered tangled
never separate
But you must

Friday, March 26, 2010

Such a light hovered (March 26, 2010)

such a light hovered
in the evening,
leaving no trace
but I remember
I looked with wonder up
trembling with gladness.
it was a crystal nightfall,

Surprise, the door swung open (March 25, 2010)

surprise, the door swung open.
think of one quite quick pleasure,
of perfection
as long as we can account for
this split second of being
curved around
piled into the past before
recognition Is enough;
there Is no empty bowl
careful to close the door

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The late afternoon absorbed the quiet (March 24, 2010)

The late afternoon
absorbed the quiet,
filled now with Some
could be imagined.
this frivolous impetus
to chase turned off
like running hoofs across
It is in hand
the right to dwell

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dry roots along the scattering ground (March 23, 2010)

dry roots along the
scattering ground
There is something remembered
accompanying me,
What is a hollow oblivion.
Watch don't fall into the trap.
with so little hope will
longing lend the lace reinforcements
I left a letter
addressed to the picturesque
Tomorrow A meeting of the mind.
I tell you, I am
forever by your side.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Shadows across the road (March 22, 2010)

shadows across the road,
eyes half closed,
quite a whistle
through the branches
on the soft moss ground
it looked invitingly wished,
much to the romantic
pleasure placed almost

Sunday, March 21, 2010

What about the journey? (March 21, 2010)

about the journey?
the vase is filled
to Overflowing dizzy
would a modest existence
learn to live on dreams.
Once a silent wailing
rose forsaken
turned in greeting
some time coming
all the world is equal
guided through
the grave

Even now far up (March 20, 2010)

even now Far up
more lights
wish to a star above
Count the long incalculable
then permit play.
even this first step
the privilege of
peer from the window
picture a man on a
wool-gathering expedition
I should go after him,
my whereabouts But

Behind me is the other possible (March 19, 2010)

Behind me is the
other possible.
alongside, the
remembered journey
any thoughts leaped about
beyond obedience
showing very little
change of air
this could go on forever,
coversing for a time of long
ceremony with
an audience never seen.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

kindly draw some (March 18, 2010)

kindly draw some
ran westward wind
another spell of wandering
Your hand will not forget
the writing lessons
Yet are we not
starved for language.
go and tell where the trees begin
then catch up again
before too much is over,
our journey lies
in the next realized

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Fields and grasses (March 17, 2010)

fields and grasses,
traveling north
with only
some sentiments fared
you will find
far from sitting
Leaving behind,
by now many miles
odd the truth.
half-moons to meet
are you staring
at attention
even one
brief kindness
another portal
in the mixed
always return
to a whistle.

There is no great end to folly (March 16, 2010)

There is no great end to folly.
Of course I found a fragment
caught by the time so far advanced
I think the remainder left with rejoicing
and returned home across the thick
open the door to what must be knocking,
a voice from within comes to call
I saw my age grim with velvet
somewhere in the meanwhile draped
sedately sitting on the floor

Monday, March 15, 2010

On the whole it seems likely (March 15, 2010)

On the whole it seems likely.
and large
the life they loved:
many miles in a slow lope
might have gone as intended; but
after living on top of a volcano
horrified to the depths
neither of these things;
so fondly visualized,
could be offered for even  a
sparkle of
the glass paperweight.
This will be all for to-night.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Had I held it (March 14, 2010)

Had I held it, I should be obliged to
contradict that very fact
I hardly think like everyone else,
all of our words have been
almost wished
such a desperate need for custody
separates into deadly enemies
here is a path across the tip of the breach
but that remains with the object of retreat
in a certain waiting rooom
I told  you I may be
unequal to the role

First I'll wash (March 13, 2010)

First I'll wash, then we'll dine
together tumbled in
the hands of becoming one
Of course, you may hide
in the rolled cupboard
it's a good retreat from the
future whereabouts
don't ask me to play gooseberry
the matter is simple
do this many a time
Then we'll take to running
by ourselves now
in the fields so well pleasing

There is a shadow (March 12, 2010)

There is a shadow of a doubt about
the cause of present appearances
must be decided
flushing the whether or not
But what do you know
is there no turned to wonder
suppose the looking for what
answer returned
and died of a longing

I am in the dark (March 11, 2010)

I am in the dark
surrounded near to blind
completely under the claw
struggling for air
Think one moment
I came for the get away
tear open the drawers
the windows the door
This night must be
played out
I may be the receiver

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

So it is that (March 10, 2010)

So it is that
After bowing low
that astonished so-called
a little distance, waited.
still under a sky like
resting eyes, sticky flies
In the twitch of according to
memory the voice of
heard said
a certain train
for a certain city
and this time
the heavy curtains
presently parted.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I must explain (March 9, 2010)

I must explain
how taken from one more
unknown history
I lived in a small almond-shaped
for many years
to wait for other things
but shaken by the whereby news
the other side to speak
on the floor, precious blood
blindest destruction
As I wept with
the remaining buffalo,
awaiting exile.

Monday, March 8, 2010

It seemed natural (March 8, 2010)

It seemed natural for
a confidential correspondence
every day the favorite subject
spread secretly sweet
to no one else,
a listen ear towards neither
the one nor the other,
penetrating the great human truth
look always after memory
and a trust in ferment
flung upon a little tarnished table
unaccustomed to the
ever  afterward.

Get the facts to writing (March 7, 2010)

Get the facts to writing;
the only I own is escaping
It ran down the wall
slinking away to dislodge the dust
There standing outside
but unable to run
as the storm struck
It was such a thing
a crackling with shaking
the scene dripping dark
struggling to be free
still waiting to choose

Saturday, March 6, 2010

I lived the good appearances (March 6, 2010)

I lived the good
appearances game
it was a pushed line
for any who followed
the circle around
more and more
the distaste for
character and costume
There was no going back
but where is the place of
my native land
I might meet with welcome
there lay between for an instant
room to rest
as a few minutes passed
to be the real me.

Above the tumult (March 5, 2010)

Above the tumult
into the smoke-thin, floated
a sudden rush of wind
at once a veil lifted
the whole world started churning
then, in dusty well-worn pages
still buried
the origins of knowing
Look away

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The pulse of life long dreams (March 4, 2010)

The pulse of life long dreams
making steady circling flight
dressed in stunning silence follow
leaving behind a solitary moment
let consolation take the haunted
and wake the murmured oath
hands to mouth retreat unbroken
far away and pale as frost.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I will call in the knowing blue (March 3, 2010)

I will call in the
knowing blue
moving upstream
picture something tree-lined
perhaps pine needles
by the rocks a small creek
drive a long distance
trust in being
then back again
in no hurry
many years in an

with an expression (March 2, 2010)

with an expression
of do not approach
I walked down
beyond the large garden
to the gap in the rosy
I peered into the pale blue
until the force of a pent-up
tearful time touched me
I was swept under
my soul at sea wishing
it could be just
over the back of the

Monday, March 1, 2010

Look the shade of grandeur (Mar. 1, 2010)

the shade of grandeur
isn't it a long time to wait.
I do know this,
a single paleness
never more than that
so altogether binding
and the body thankful
I hadn't thought it could